My classmates have created amazing blogs. Here are a few recommendations for the ones I have personally enjoyed the most.
- This blog is dedicated to a topic about social media dangers. It highlights various important topics about the dangers of social media which are very important to be aware of. The blog talks about cyberbullying, depression, problematic early use of social media, and shares two very interesting events. I would recommend this blog to everyone who what to explore and educate themselves more about potential social media dangers.
- This blog shares a similar theme but explores the impact of social media on mental health. The blog picks up interesting current events that very well support the negative impacts of social media and the link between mental health. I would recommend this blog to anyone who struggles with mental health due to social media because this blog explains the problem very well and provides very good links for further research.
- This blog is as well dedicated to media but talks about an important issue and that is media overuse. I would recommend this blog to people who have problems with media overuse. This blog provides good evidence and is very eye-opening. It has made me think about the unnecessary amount of time I spend on media and motivated me to reduce it.
- This blog is very motivating. It explores the topic of confidence and proves how being confident is the key to success, happiness, and overall mindful peace. I would recommend this to anyone who struggles with low self-confidence. I would recommend the post MY VIEW because it effectively summarizes the importance of confidence.
- The last blog talks about the problems with stereotypes. I enjoyed the post about My View because it highlighted and summarized the main problems with stereotypes in the media. I would recommend this blog to anyone who wants to learn more about this topic because it is not as often talked about.